
Off-Hour Deliveries


DOT’s pilot program of off-hour deliveries conducted in 2009/2010 identified improvements in travel speeds (customer-to-customer) and service time (time spent at delivery) as compared to deliveries performed during congestion periods. These benefits have been confirmed numerous times since by transporters, receivers, and community members engaged in the program. 

Transport Company Benefits

Efficient Deliveries
Reduced Transit Time
Less Parking Headaches
More Predictable Delivery Windows
Improved Truck Utilization
Reduced Delivery Costs
Image Delivery
1 More efficient deliveries
2 Better fuel efficiency
3 Reduced parking tickets
4 More predictable delivery windows
5 Improved utilization of delivery trucks
6 Reduced delivery costs


Goods Delivered Outside Store Hours
Goods Prepared Before Store Opens
More Certainty on Truck Arrival Times
Reduced Delivery Costs
Off Hour Deliveries Benefits
1 Decreased shipping time
2 Safer Roads
3 Reduced congestion
4 Less double parking
5 Cleaner Air
6 Cheaper and more efficient deliveries
7 Lower cost of goods


Less Congestion
Cleaner Air
Safer Streets
Improved Neighborhood Aesthetics